Friday, March 16, 2007
"Seven Hells!" New Earth Theatre Featuring Cheshire

Maury: We're back! I'd like for you to meet "Cheshire." Cheshire...
Cheshire (Jumping out of her chair) : Bring his ass out! Bring his ass out, Maury!
Maury: Cheshire... sit down... Cheshire claims that this man... (Audience starts booing.)
(Arsenal appears on screen, shaking his head, mouthing, "No! No!," over and over again.)
Maury: Roy, is the father of her beautiful daughter, Lian.
(Lian appears on screen, audience, "Awwwws.")
Cheshire: 'Cause he a l'il bitch, is why!
(Audience hoots and hollers)
Cheshire: Maury, look at her! Look at her! She look just like his broke ass!
Maury: Well, let's bring his "broke ass" out. Roy?

(Cheshire runs at Roy, security tackles her.)
Cheshire: Trash, you ain't got no money! Your "daddy," Ollie* is the one with the money! If money was the case, I should have given this (slaps her bottom) to his goofy ass! Besides, I heard he likes to dip his plum sauce in the pho, anyway!
(Audience goes ape-shit)
(*Roy is the ward of Oliver Queen, The Green Arrow, who has two bi-racial children of, guess what... Asian descent.)
Maury: Roy, what leads you to believe that you aren't this child's father.
Roy (Pointing an arrow towards the screen) : Look at her, Maury! She don't look nothing like me! I got "good" red hair all over my body, she don't. I got some Indian blood in me, too. This child got Chinese eyes, I don't.
Cheshire (hissing) : I'm Vietnamese, asshole. Besides, what I want with a heroin addict?
(Audience gasps)
Roy (sneering) : Did she tell you that she used to be a prostitute? Anybody could be that baby's daddy.
Cheshire (sneering) : I was a slave, asshole! A SLAVE!!!!
Roy: Biiiiiiig difference. I just "hit & quit" like everybody else, Maury!
Maury: Well, let's find out for sure! Here are the DNA results... Maury (putting on reading glasses) : Roy... in the case of Lian....
Roy: Oh, Hell NAW! (Runs backstage to where Donna Troy is waiting.)
Cheshire (waving the results) : SEE?!? TOLD YOU! TOLD YOU! Yeah, bitch! I'ma get me some child support! I'ma start treating your ass like a terrorist nation!
Elsewhere in the world...
Killer Moth: Hey, Catman! Get your fat ass in here! You've gotta see this wild sh*t! Catman: Coming! (walks into the room carrying a bag of Cheetos) What'd I miss?
Killer Moth: You'd know if you'd waddled your fat ass in here sooner. God! Look at you. You're pathethic! You've totally let yourself go. Geez, what woman'd want you?
Labels: New Earth Theatre
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The only thing missing is the part where Roy shakes Maury's hand as he enters, as if he's meeting a Truly Great Man.
Oh, and the part where one of them is "a million percent sure" of the baby's parentage.
Other than that, note perfect and beautiful.
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Oh, and the part where one of them is "a million percent sure" of the baby's parentage.
Other than that, note perfect and beautiful.
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