Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Crotchgate Re-Opened

Someone lost their tube sock.


  1. The couldn't bring themselves to get rid of the dumb fin on his head?

  2. Or maybe they just showed him a picture of Phyllis Diller without her makeup on.

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Dwayne are you actually suggesting that Diller looks more attractive with her makeup on?

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hey, what's fair for Power Girl is fair for Citizen Steel.

  5. I think the first picture is more indicative of his name.

    My word verification is "gitzof". Make of it what you will.

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "The couldn't bring themselves to get rid of the dumb fin on his head?"

    How else is the JSA going to open their CDs?

    "Hey, what's fair for Power Girl is fair for Citizen Steel."

    Are you saying there should be a window in Citizen Steel's shorts?

  7. "Are you saying there should be a window in Citizen Steel's shorts?"

    Just for his balls.

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    You all realize that 'Crotchgate" is just DC's way of distracting everyone from the fact that they stole that name from my level 50 scrapper on City of Heroes, right?


    *sits in the corner and rocks himself to sleep*

  9. And thus does WangPanic '07 come to its inevitable and hilarious conclusion.

    A group of fanboys went nuts, injected their beef with the cover into the blogosphere, then crowed like cocks of the walk, tumid with pride. Now will come their celebratory barbeque, where they will devour their weiners and congratulate one another on keeping suggestive masculine bulges off of comic book covers.


  10. Anonymous4:48 PM

    What you can't see is that his uniform is now assless.

  11. Anonymous12:15 AM

    The difference between Turner's Giant Power Girl Boobs(tm) and Ross' humongous Steel package is at least Ross knows the right place on the human body to attach things to. If Turner had drawn it, Steels humongous package would have been coming out of the poor guy's belly button.

  12. In the first cover he was looking at Powergirl's boobs. But then they gave her a breast reduction surgery and he wasn't so thrilled about her anymore.

  13. Baal - Yes.

    When they toned down Power Girl, they took something you don't see in real live and toned it down to something that you STILL can't see in real life.

    With Citizen Steel they took something you can see in real life (and if the people complaining thought it was erect, I won't ever see any reason to get to know them any better) and took it down to something you can see in real life if you're into tucking things into places and ignoring how light reflects off of metal.

    I mean, we all know that Alex never uses live models to get his art correct.

