Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Legacy Virus or Conway Is The New Black
- Catman is unceremoniously taken out of the picture by showing up and being utterly ineffective.
- The Secret Society of Super-Villains forms.
- Mind-wipes soon follow.
- The Justice League under attack by Starro.
- Black Lightning offered Justice League membership.
- Vixen and Firestorm emerge as DCU players.
Writer Gerry Conway came to DC after writing titles such as The Amazing Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk for Marvel Comics. Conway immediately hit the ground running, writing many of DC's marquee comics, among them, Detective Comics, Superman and The Justice League of America. While writing Justice League, Conway flirted with the idea of Black Lightning joining The JLofA but had Lightning turn them down, as he preferred to work alone. Conway also went on to create characters for DC such as the previously mentioned Vixen and Firestorm, while also launching, in his newly minted position as writer/editor, a new title, The Secret Society of Super-Villains. In SSoSV, Catman never actually joined, he just fell off his yacht. Somewhere, a young Brad Meltzer is reading.

So, is Brad simply riffing on the chords laid down by Conway or is he simply doing the exact same thing we all would like to do if we got the chance, taking small notes from different places in order to build a symphony?
Any way you look at it, good or bad, Gerry Conway, through Meltzer, has became an uncredited architect for DC's "New Earth." One in which, for the most part, we've all have actively enjoyed and participated in.
What do you think?
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Oh, absolutely. "In My Father's House" in Firestorm is a total valentine to one of Conway's big storylines.
I have no idea, not being a DC born and bred fanboy, but your post sure did make for interesting reading.
Devon, since your apparently pretty familiar with Herr Conway's writings, can you guess where JLA is going to go for the next nine issues? (Or at least speculate wildly, which is always a lot more fun?)
Devon, since your apparently pretty familiar with Herr Conway's writings, can you guess where JLA is going to go for the next nine issues? (Or at least speculate wildly, which is always a lot more fun?)
I hadn't made the connection, but I think you've hit on something. Maybe it's not intentional, but it sure could be subconscious on Brad's part.
I was a huge fan of the late 70's, early 80's JLA, much of which was Conway's. I liked most of what Conway did in that era, with one huge exception - his Legion from 1979-1981 was marked with stuff like "The Space Circus of Death" and "The Super-Spectacles Swipe".
Brilliant analysis, DVS! Have you sent it to Brad? I bet he doesn't realize... .
Of course, if we are living during Conway's Revenger, you know what becomes inevitable.
Vibe. Vibe is inevitable.
Probably a Mexican-American girl rather than a Puerto Rican boy, but still inevitable.
Of course, if we are living during Conway's Revenger, you know what becomes inevitable.
Vibe. Vibe is inevitable.
Probably a Mexican-American girl rather than a Puerto Rican boy, but still inevitable.
You really nailed it. Every fanboy has his own personal Golden Age, and it will shade everything he writes. For me, it is the DC war comics of the 60's.
Sadly, DC's New Earth is returning their universe to the period when I thought DC started to really suck and pretty much gave up on most of their titles. The Conway-led Marvel-izing of DC didn't work for me at all. I hated Firestorm and Red Tornado. I hated that they were taking the fun out of my funny books.
It is really odd to me that DC is pitching us a kinder, gentler DC universe while returning to the era when their comics started turning dark and ugly.
Sadly, DC's New Earth is returning their universe to the period when I thought DC started to really suck and pretty much gave up on most of their titles. The Conway-led Marvel-izing of DC didn't work for me at all. I hated Firestorm and Red Tornado. I hated that they were taking the fun out of my funny books.
It is really odd to me that DC is pitching us a kinder, gentler DC universe while returning to the era when their comics started turning dark and ugly.
I agree totally with you on this one! Perhaps Meltzer will continue to use conway as a reference point for future storylines, or maybe he'll start using other writers' toys, maybe gardner fox or morrison isn't too far way?
Well, those of you needing that Conway fix will see his executive-producing touch on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent", particularly the Vincent D'Onofrio episodes:
"I notice you're....tapping your left foot in a...rhythmic pattern. That's one of the...classic symptoms of...schizophrenia."
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"I notice you're....tapping your left foot in a...rhythmic pattern. That's one of the...classic symptoms of...schizophrenia."
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