Monday, June 26, 2006
Eye Know All

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I figured that's what happened to his eye as well.
Though why it enlarged to such huge size could take 1000 years to explain.
Though why it enlarged to such huge size could take 1000 years to explain.
Would you happen to know who wrote the Alan Scott scenes in issue #5? For me, his scenes (and the reveal w/ Strange) made # 5 the best and most compelling issue so far. I've never read a comic w/ Alan Scott in it before. Should I check out the Johns' JSA stuff?
Thanks, AP
Thanks, AP
I've heard this theory before, and it makes sense to me. Of course, that means it'll end up being something totally stupid, random, and unrelated. :)
AP, I would definitely check out the trade editions of the Geoff Johns JSA run. It's got some stuff that I would argue is the definitive portrayal of Alan Scott.
AP, I would definitely check out the trade editions of the Geoff Johns JSA run. It's got some stuff that I would argue is the definitive portrayal of Alan Scott.
It's hinted that someone took both Alan Scott eyes, since he currently has the right eye of Adam Strange.
Alan Scott has since acquired his own personal mystic eye, courtesy of Jade. Is the "second new eye" I fear.
Alan Scott has since acquired his own personal mystic eye, courtesy of Jade. Is the "second new eye" I fear.
Is L.E.G.I.O.N. still in continuity? If it is, then I'm not sure about this since the Emerald Eye showed up there for a while. But if it's been retconned out then that's an interesting idea.
Or there could be more than one Emerald Eye, couldn't there?
Or there could be more than one Emerald Eye, couldn't there?
C'mon! This is DC. Even if LEGION hasn't been retconned out the fact that Supergirl ended up in the future means the eye could have ended up in the past!
No Superboy-Prime punches needed! :-)
No Superboy-Prime punches needed! :-)
Or there could be more than one Emerald Eye, couldn't there?
Well, there was at one point around Zero Hour, either right before the reboot or after it (not sure when).
Well, there was at one point around Zero Hour, either right before the reboot or after it (not sure when).
Anyone else disturbed by the possibility of many other powerful Alan Scott appendages floating around any century Earth?
Jon Hex said...
Anyone else disturbed by the possibility of many other powerful Alan Scott appendages floating around any century Earth?
I like the Emerald Eye of Erkon idea. Maybe it can show up as a GL villain in a couple of's gotta do something while its waiting out the millenium.
The Anti-League of Lantern Appendages.
Anyone else disturbed by the possibility of many other powerful Alan Scott appendages floating around any century Earth?
I like the Emerald Eye of Erkon idea. Maybe it can show up as a GL villain in a couple of's gotta do something while its waiting out the millenium.
The Anti-League of Lantern Appendages.
There were two Emerald Eyes floating around the L.E.G.I.O.N. book around 1990-91. Once they disappeared, I don't think we saw them again (or that they saw us). That was prior to Zero Hour.
After Zero Hour, there was only one Eye in the Legion universe that we knew of, that one in the 30th century (the one that Kinetix found, that later took over Shrinking Violet, that later bonded with The Empress).
After Zero Hour, there was only one Eye in the Legion universe that we knew of, that one in the 30th century (the one that Kinetix found, that later took over Shrinking Violet, that later bonded with The Empress).
Anyone else disturbed by the possibility of many other powerful Alan Scott appendages floating around any century Earth?
I want to see an entire Legion of Rejected Body parts. Like the Bladder of Kyle Rayner fighting with the Eye of Alan. Maybe even a Martian Kidneyhunter, a Wonder Wig from the "shorthaired Diana" era, and the Ultimate Super-dick-ery. No?
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I want to see an entire Legion of Rejected Body parts. Like the Bladder of Kyle Rayner fighting with the Eye of Alan. Maybe even a Martian Kidneyhunter, a Wonder Wig from the "shorthaired Diana" era, and the Ultimate Super-dick-ery. No?
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