Sunday, April 26, 2020
Made In DC and How I Learned To Heart The 90's
(Removes the cellophane and cracks open a CD case, inhaling the plastic-y, chemical whiff)
And now, I am ready to write about DC Comics in the 90's. Specifically, the three heroes that defined a shift in the way I came to love DC Comics.
Today, I have returned to stately Seven Hells! Manor via my personal underground subway to express my sincere appreciation (and to gather stacks of one dollar bills for later. *wink*) to Wally West, Dick Grayson and Kyle Rayner for making my late teens to early thirties comics experience the absolute best.
Picture it, the early 90's: a young Devon, fresh from practicing that Kid-N-Play "grab-your-foot-move-your-ankle-to-your-knee-jump-while-holding-your-foot-and-try-and-not-die" thing and not really feeling DC Comics the way he did back in the early 80's. If there wasn't an "X," an Image Comics logo or a She-Hulk on the cover, it wasn't really his thing.
As he walked into the local comics shop, swimming past a sea of variant covers and lingerie and swimsuit issues featuring our comic book girlfriends, there was it was: Flash #80 featuring Wally
West. It was shiny. Seriously. It was literally shiny. It sported a shiny cover drawn by Alan Davis, one of, if not my favorite artist of the time. It had something else, though, at the time, I had no idea how great it was. Issue 80 featured the debut of new Flash artist, Mike Wieringo. I can still remember the feeling. It was like the first time I'd walked into my local drug store and saw John Byrne's Man of Steel or the first time I saw Arthur Adams' Longshot. I knew comics had changed.

Until that issue.
Thanks to writer, Mark Waid, Wally was still there but the art was more kinetic. The writing spoke to how hard it was to honor a legacy while trying to find your own way. Over time, Waid introduced this thing: The Speed Force, a supreme manifestation of velocity; a thing only a select few could access and the deeper you went within, the easier it was to over take you. Twenty-something Devon understood: "Wait, The Flashes are like speed Jedi? This is "The Force. They're not just "runs fast" anymore? Got it."
Wally went on to stand side-by-side with the heroes his Uncle Barry had to have told him tales of. We got to see the awe in his eyes as he watched Superman wrestled a war angel while The Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman held back a crashing, flaming ark literally plummeting from the heavens. Flash #80 was the beginning of Wally West becoming my Flash. This was where I truly became a fan of DC Comics.
I wanted in. I wanted to be made.
My money was not long in anyway during the 90's. Money that was earmarked for the Houses of Idea and Image was soon reallocated towards rediscovering The DC Universe and a new generation that was ready to step in and up.

When this whole backbreaking thing ended, Dick did come back and took on the Batman mantle for a bit and for a weird thing happened. I think we kinda got the Nightwing we all were hoping for: a man with the teeth to truly be Batman but had so good of a heart that we wouldn't want him to have to carry that burden.
With the 1996 Nightwing series, we finally saw the post-Crisis Dick Grayson/Nightwing come into his own.
In the pages of Green Lantern, to me, Hal Jordan was pretty much nothing more than a cool costume. There were other Green Lanterns but eh, they were just more space cops with different heads and limbs attached. So, when Hal Jordan killed the entire freakin' GL Corps in an attempt to become God and reboot continuity, we were left with no more of those awesome Green Lantern costumes. Pity. They looked great.

Kyle Rayner was many of us in our twenties and I will forever love him for that.
I wrote this about Kyle back in '06:
"When Batman openly questioned Kyle's ability to do the job, Kyle quietly carried on the tradition of having a Green Lantern within The Justice League.
He did all of this for no other reason than someone had to do it. Kyle Rayner had no Guardians of The Universe to guide his hand. He had no Corps to back his play when and if he fell.
Today is another matter entirely, The Green Lantern Corps have returned in their own series, no less, stronger than ever. Hal Jordan and The Guardians of The Universe are back, better than ever.
There will be a Green Lantern in the upcoming Justice League of America title.
Kyle Rayner. Armed with nothing more than a weapon and a sense of right and wrong, Kyle held the f*ckin' line until something greater than himself could emerge.
Not Hal Jordan. Not Guy Gardner. Not John Stewart.
(Just) Kyle Rayner."
Kyle Rayner ultimately became who we'd hoped we'd be in our twenties. He simply became better.
These are my memories of DC Comics' 90's output and I recall them with fondness. These are the heroes I chose.
Wally West will always be my Flash. Kyle is my Green Lantern and Nightwing? When I think about what he is, he's a hero who still smiles.
These are the heroes that I will forever associate with my favorite period in comics. I am made.
Labels: 90's, Flash, Kyle Rayner, Nightwing
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Yay! A new Devon Sanders post!
Of the three heroes that resonate with you, I like Dick Grayson by far the best. In fact I would say he is the heart of the DC Universe: when you look for what character embodies all that is great about DC, it's not Superman or Batman, it's Dick Grayson.
For a good decade now, my great wish has been to see a Dick Grayson / Ben Grimm team-up miniseries. Each embodies what is best in their universe, and man, the two of them would get along like Gangbusters. Pretty literally. And if I had to pick someone to write the miniseries, Mark Waid is my first choice.
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Of the three heroes that resonate with you, I like Dick Grayson by far the best. In fact I would say he is the heart of the DC Universe: when you look for what character embodies all that is great about DC, it's not Superman or Batman, it's Dick Grayson.
For a good decade now, my great wish has been to see a Dick Grayson / Ben Grimm team-up miniseries. Each embodies what is best in their universe, and man, the two of them would get along like Gangbusters. Pretty literally. And if I had to pick someone to write the miniseries, Mark Waid is my first choice.
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