Friday, May 19, 2006


Kyle Rayner: ADULT!

I don't know about you...

...but I think...

...these two should...

... just express their feelings for one another so they can move onto the next phase in their relationship.

Wonder Woman thinks so too. Aquaman, stop staring!


Oddly, I always thought there were more interesting things going on between Kyle and J'onn J'onzz.

"You know on some planets I've been to, that would make us legally married."
Oh please, Kal.

Kyle is the village bicycle of the JLA. He playfully bickers with Wally, makes suggestive remarks to J'onn, basically calls Superman his Daddy. Is there anyone he hasn't flirted with?

... oh. My. GOD!

KYLE caused INFINITE CRISIS! He flirted with everyone, so everyone died!
oh, you just KNOW Kyle's has tried on Robin's costume...
No one should move on to the next phase of the relationship with Kyle.


That's what causes resurrection stories.
That only happens to women. Kyle Rayner's man love is guaranteed to boost sales. Or boost something, anyway. :)
KYLE caused INFINITE CRISIS! He flirted with everyone, so everyone died!

I don't know about that, but it does explain how they all ended up dying in Obsidian Age.
That only happens to women. Kyle Rayner's man love is guaranteed to boost sales. Or boost something, anyway. :)

Did you read Brother's Keeper? That was just a little innocent crush that Kyle didn't return. Look what happened to the kid!
Uh, yeah, Obsidian Age would have been much more accurate. But I had forgotten it.

Also, I'm surprised Devon didn't post the panels from Green Lantern #103, where Kyle falls into bed with Jade and wakes up naked next to Batman.
Do you really think I'm anywhere near done with this stuff, Steven?
Let's see. Kyle as a character is 12 years old.

At a rate of one ultimately boneheaded move every issue he's featured in... recurring role in the JLA... Winick started writing him... carry the one...

No, it looks like you've got material for a long, looong time to come. Heck, you could declare June "Kyle Rayner: Adult! Month" and still keep going strong.
Honestly, much as I love Kyle, I'm pretty sure Devon could make a post every *day* regarding Kyle's idiot moments and not run out until well past a year or two.

Probably more now that Ion's out. This *is* Kyle we're talking about.
...and I thought about it but thankfully, got talked off the ledge, Kalinara.

Kyle's a special, special boy who deserves to have his own "special" day.
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