Monday, July 31, 2006
Devon Goes Cat-Blogging
Believe it or not, this is the best I've felt all month. So, yeah...I wasn't in much of a mood to do much of anything, much less try and finish semi-coherent thought on a semi-daily basis. So, in order to not subject you to tedious daily posts about how bad I felt (cat-blogging), I decided to take some time off.
So what did I do with my time off from "Seven Hells!"?
I watched Season One of Veronica Mars. (Absolutely loved it.)
Saw Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest. (Was it me but did you feel like Johnny Depp just kinda "showed up" and collected a paycheck in this one?)
Purged more of my comic book collection. Those issues of Rob Liefeld's Glory were making me feel dirty.
Slept... a lot.
Learned to appreciate this hobby of mine just that much more.
On that note, tomorrow brings a new and hopefully better month and "Seven Hells!" will return with the much promised, often-delayed Kyle Rayner: ADULT! Week!
'Til tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The "Seven Hells!" Clip Show
So, instead of bringing you new content, I've decided to bring you The "Seven Hells!" Clip Show. Always remember, kids... they're not re-runs if they're done in flashback...
Devon uplifts the race...
Devon handles the giant-sized man-thing...
Red-headed stepchildren...
Devon finds the 80's Geoff Johns...
Devon: Finder of Lost Loves
Golden Showers!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
CHUD: Thor's Comic Column

This week, I reviewed the upcoming Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #1 (Third review down.) So, as usual, here's the first paragraph, submitted for your approval...
“Can you imagine living under the totalitarian regime of face-hugging starfish parasites from Planet Wherever? No, they can’t, because I’m out there putting my life on the line to keep this country and this world safe.”— Phantom Lady
“When Lilliput was on fire, Gulliver urinated on the palace, to save the people... Like the Lilliputians, you want safety and prosperity without sacrifice.” --- Father Time
...and with those lines of dialogue Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters #1 has eclipsed, in my mind, Marvel’s Civil War as this summer’s best comic book you’ll read about superhero legislation.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Big Monkey Comics Interviews Brad Meltzer

Friday, July 14, 2006
Ms. Appropriated

Lately, I've been reading the comic book adventures of a blonde, buxom, superpowered heroine. She also happens to have a connection to one of comics' most revered superheroes. She's also been a member in good standing of one of comics' oldest and most powerful superteams.
After the events of a universe shattering crisis, she's finally realized her place in the world and set out on a path to make a name for herself.
Dear DC Comics, Marvel's Ms. Marvel is the best Power Girl comic currently not being published by DC Comics.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Snap Judgments
Quote taken from Batman in Batgirl #1

I've read every issue of Batgirl and from the very start, this girl's training from Batman & Oracle ran counter to everything this young woman had ever been taught. Batman trained her to save but she was raised by Cain to kill. That cannot be disputed.
Batgirl was born to kill. She killed Lady Shiva before and in her final issue, she did it again. It's what she does.
So, please, I'm sick to death of people's outrage at Cassandra Cain's "turn" within the pages of Robin. It was natural progression, is what it is. It's a character's arc. Character's have them, occasionally.
Batgirl readers should maybe start reading the words and actions contained within the pages and maybe stop reading the comic books they'd "created" within their minds.
The fact that Batman was able to keep her on the side of the angels, suppressing what was inborn for so long is a testament to all characters involved.
Just my opinion.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
What's The Buzz, Cuz?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Metatext Appeal
If something works, let it. If Morrison wants to metatext himself dry, let him. As long as the man can produce a scene like this one from Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #4, let him. And you know why?

Metatext works in regard to the story he was trying to tell. Too many people chose to ignore the previous three and a half issues of set-up where Morrison presented us with a Zatanna sorely in need of inner being and self-confidence and when all else seemed lost, he had her reach out for help and you know what? It worked.
I'll be damned if I and nearly everyone else I've asked didn't touch their palms to hers.
That's a writer asking the reader to work with him. For me, that's essentially what metatext is, a writer asking you to come along, take a leap of faith and let the story take you someplace unexpected. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We'll live, regardless, I think.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Kyle Rayner: ADULT!

Labels: Kyle Rayner
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Path Of The Tornado

Was he pre-destined to die so that they may live? Will his resurrection lead them towards a path of enlightenment?
Judging by the cover solicitation for Justice League of America #2, it looks like the another triumpahnt return for The Red Tornado. I predict The Red Tornado will become a true fan-favorite in 2006. Why?
Will it be JLofA writer Brad Meltzer's handling of the character? Maybe?
Will new life be breathed into Reddy by the slick renderings of former Superman penciller Ed Benes? Maybe.
Personally, I believe he will become "Sensational Character Find of 2006" because we, as a society, love to see things explode. What else explains the popularity of a Jerry Bruckheimer film? Nothing explodes better than Red Tornado.
A brief history of Red Tornado's "devotion" to mankind:

Justice League of America, Vol. 1 #102: Red Tornado sacrifices himself to save multiples Earths.
Justice League of America, Vol. 1 #192: Red Tornado explodes an astonishing three times in one issue.
The Crisis On Infinite Earths: Reddy blows up so big and good it causes a nearly seven foot tall man in a devil costume to scream, "EEEK!"
Justice Number One or Two: It happens so often lately, I can't remember which issue it happened in. The "Legion of Doom" uses The Tornado to take out The Justice League Sattelite. Well, given Red Tornado's past, isn't that what YOU would have done?
Justice League Unlimited #13: Writer Adam Beechen knowing a good thing when he sees one has The Tornado taken over by "sinister forces," go haywire, damn near self-destructing in another effort to save humanity. Good times.
JLA #115: The Secret Society of Super-Villains reforms, wanting revenge on The Justice League, promptly begins practice by blowing up The Red Tornado and showering Batman with the pieces. Actually, that's a "pimp" move, if I ever saw one.
52 #2: Red Tornado's creator, T.O. Morrow, comments to Metal Men creator Dr. Will Magnus about The Tornado's propensity towards "self-sacrifice."
52 #5: Red Tornado blows up and almost takes 3 Black (Firestorm, Cyborg & Hornblower) men with him. Amanda Waller & Mr. Bones launch simultaneous investigations. The NAACP immediately calls for dismantling of The Red Tornado.
Is it me or does it seem that The Red Tornado's whole reason for being is to be blown up, giving the heroes and the writer a chance to reflect on "humanity?" Has The Red Tornado surpassed Superman as the new messiah figure in comics? Or... is it just really easy to write an android blowing up?
(Special thanks to Christopher Mah for the research.)
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Local Boy Does Good

I've been selling this guy comics since he was 10! Now, he won't return my calls.
He said I could run this, though:
Big Monkey Comics : The Official Comic Book Store of Andrew Carl.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Mike Parobeck

It was ten years ago today, that one of my favorite artists, Mike Parobeck passed away from complications due to Type 1 Diabetes.
Parobeck's art was a precursor of incredible things to come, employing an open line that many would, at the time, call "cartoon-y." Now, it would be called "clean" or "minimalist." Parobeck accomplished in one line what it would take many of his then-contemporaries twenty crosshatches to do. Parobeck was my very first "gimme" artist, meaning that whatever he drew, be it The Batman Adventures, Robin or Justice Society of America, I had to have it.
At the time of his death, I had no internet connection and read about it weeks after it had happened in The Comcs Shop News. It was the first time I'd ever felt a since of loss for someone not truly close to me. I instantly felt a sense of sadness at the thought of never again holding this man's art in my hands on a monthly basis and it truly, truly made me sad.
Today, I rejoice in this man's work. When prospective comic book artists come into my shop, asking how to become better at their craft, I show them Mike Parobeck's artwork. In his art, they get to see proper page layout, how to tell a story through art, how properly to portray less as more and you know what? They get it.
They get it because great art like great story is timeless. Mike Parobeck's "clean line" art, created something that has become timeless in its simplicity. Ten years on and he's still impacting my life and the lives of others. The comics genre is about storytelling & legacy. Mike Parobeck through his art has left us with a legacy, a body of work absolutely worthy of treasuring.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Cousin Buzzin'

Thank Rao, we got these two draft picks in the explosion, eh?
(Special thanks to Christopher Mah for showing me this panel.)
Labels: Power Girl, Supergirl, Superman